Sunday, January 21, 2018

  • January 21, 2018
  • ma

The gold price futures contract rose during the US session to reduce the losses it incurred during this week's trade amid the negative stability of the dollar index according to their inverse relationship following the economic developments and statements that they followed on Friday about the US economy is bigger The world economy and on the cusp of the recent Federal Open Market Committee members both the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Rafael Post and Randall Quarles. At 3:18 pm GMT, futures for gold prices rose 15 February Feb. 60% for Trading Currently at $335, 00 per ounce compared to the opening at $327, for the ounce, amidst the US dollar index drop 0.01% to levels of 90-44 compared to the opening at 90, 50. This we have been looking for the American economy revealing the first reading of the Michigan University's consumer confidence index Which showed a decline of 94.4 compared to 95.9 on December last December, other than the forecast at 97.0, with the current economic conditions falling and high economic prospects for the current month, while the sub-indices on inflation showed high inflation forecasts for one year and five Years from what they were last month. Otherwise, investors are now drawing their attention to the Senate vote on the interim financing plan adopted by the ruling Republican Party to avoid the suspension of government institutions, following the passage of the plan in the House of Representatives on Thursday by 230 votes to 197 votes, we would like to point out that the possibility of government closure in the United States continues to loom over the ambiguity of the fate of the bill in Congress. In the same vein, Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Thursday noted the importance of preparing contingency plans in the shadow of increasing opportunities for government closure in If the passing of the balance plan fails in Congress, it mentions that although the majority of Republicans within the Senate are 51 members, only the passing the bill needs a 60-member vote of 100 to be passed, which limits the chances of a pass in the shadow of opposition from his Democratic party. We would like to point out that today a For Juma is the last day of the final agreement between his ruling Republican Party and the Democratic Party to avoid government shutdown and that if the project is not passed a law that will keep the work of the US government up to 16 February next February and submit it to US President Donald Trump for signature The government shutdown until the dispute is settled over the inevitable balance in the United States. The gold holdings of the S-P-D Gold Trust Fund, the world's largest gold-backed indicator funds, rose on Thursday with 11.8 metric tons, showing the biggest increase in the daily since September Last September to reach Total holdings to about 840.76 metric tons which is the highest since December 13, December.



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