Friday, November 10, 2017

  • November 10, 2017
  • ma

Gold prices fell during Thursday's trade, after rising and registering its highest level in three weeks on Monday, recovering from the weakening of the dollar and increasing market tensions.

Gold prices are currently traded at the level of $1281.78 for the ounce, after registering the lowest level at $1280.39 for the ounce. The meeting today opened at the level of $1282.29 per ounce, registering the highest level at $1282.58 per ounce.

The US dollar suffered from a weakening movement during yesterday's trades due to pressure from expectations on the postponement of the tax cut law and the Republicans ' failure to submit their proposals on the law.

The gold used this weakness for the dollar to rise and score the highest level in three weeks during yesterday's session, and today is back to undo by doing reaping profits in addition to a rebound in American and Asian equities has caused the demand for gold to be reduced as a safe haven.

It should be noted that the weekly performance of gold so far is highly positive, with the demand returning to a safe haven amid current market tensions.

  • November 10, 2017
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Gold prices on the European market rose on Thursday to keep its gains for the second straight day, which is being raised from the highest level in three weeks, based on the US dollar's retreat against a basket of global currencies.

Gold prices rose by 0.2% to 10:35 GMT to be traded at the $1284.10 level of the opening level of $1281.39, registering the highest level of $1285.17, and the lowest level of $1279.74.

Yesterday's gold prices grew by 0.5% in the second gain in three days, with the highest level in three weeks of $1287.21, with the US dollar declining, and the investment demand for metal as a safe haven improved.

The dollar index fell by about 0.2 percent, continuing its losses for the second consecutive day, reversing the continued sale of US currency against a basket of currencies global, which supports gold prices because they are denominated in dollar terms and are lower for other currency holders.

The dollar retreat comes with mounting concerns about the possible delay in U.S. President Donald Trump's tax reform plans, on which the US administration relies so much on expanding the country's economic growth and boosting corporate profits.

A bill on tax cuts in the Senate, which differs from the bill under consideration in the House of Representatives, is expected to be unveiled Thursday an order complicating the process of approving fiscal reform plans within Congress, press reports said Republican Party leaders in the Senate are considering postponing the application A year-long tax reform plan to conform to the Council's rules.

Gold holdings of the SPDR Gold Trust, the world's largest gold-backed indicator funds dropped yesterday by 1.18 metric tons., in the sixth consecutive daily decline, to a total of 843.09 metric tons, the lowest level of holdings since 12 September last September.

  • November 10, 2017
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The futures of gold prices have fluctuated in a narrow upward trend to see their highest levels since last October 20 October amid the negative stability of the US dollar index according to their inverse relationship following the economic developments and statements they followed on Thursday on the economy The American largest economy in the world and on the threshold of the disclosure of the U.S. Senate Tax reform bill.

At 3:36 p.m. (GMT), futures prices for gold rose 16 December December, 0.19% for current trading. At $1,286.10 for the ounce compared to the opening at $1,283.70 of the ounce, amidst the low US dollar index 0.08% to 94.79 levels Compared to the opening at 94.87.

We have followed the American economy's weekly reading of the subsidy index, which showed a rise exceeding expectations of 10, 000 a request was made to some 239,000 compared to 229 thousand in the week of 28 October last October, and the weekly reading of the aid application index showed Continuing to rise by 17,000 to about 1,901 thousand requests for 1,884 thousand in the week elapsed on 21 October October.

In the same vein, markets are currently waiting for the world's largest economy to issue the final reading of the wholesale stockpiles, which reflect growth of 0.3% without a little change from the first reading of September September versus 0.9% growth in August last August, as investors are eager to disclose the reform bill Tax in the Senate which differs from the bill of study in the House of Representatives.

It is a matter of concern over the approval of the tax reform plans adopted by Republican President Donald Trump within the US Congress aimed at reducing taxes on American companies to twenty percent of the current tax rate on companies at thirty five percent and that comes Hours after some media report touched on the possibility of postponing the application of tax reforms in the United States for one year.

The US dollar index reached its highest level in nearly four months last Tuesday amid investor optimism about the start of negotiations in the Council lawmakers about the tax bill adopted by US President Trump after the first draft of the bill was unveiled earlier than Last week, coinciding with the pricing of markets for the chances of raising interest rates on federal funds again this year.

At the other level, Chinese Prime Minister Li Ke Qiang said on Wednesday that US President Trump arrived in the Chinese capital Beijing, the Chinese economy is facing uncertainty due to external risks, adding that we cannot ignore the risks facing his country's economy amid Stress the importance of the need to maintain economic stability, maintain macroeconomic policies and promote economic reforms.

US President Trump is currently touring a number of Asian countries, headed by Japan and China, as well as South Korea, during which he on many issues of common concern to the United States and Asian countries, and above all the North Korean nuclear file, it's In one way or another, he is concerned about the geopolitical, especially following Trump's speech in the South Korean parliament, through which he has attacked North Korea again.

In return, the official of the North Korean Labor Party, Dong Simon, accused US president Trump of trying to ignite a nuclear war in the region during his Asian tour, it came in conjunction with the accusation of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman that Iran provide the Houthi in Yemen with rockets, Considering that it is a direct military aggression by Iran against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and may be regarded as an act of war.

Which in one way or another boosted the performance of the price of precious metals, mainly gold, which achieved its highest levels in three weeks with investors shifting liquidity proportionally to safe havens, which are a safe alternative to investment until the vision becomes clearer.

Otherwise, US Treasury Secretary Stephen Menchen said Wednesday that President Trump wants to exempt the government from taxation and stop the sponsorship program healthy expressing that that step might save a lot of wasted money, noting that the U.S. administration is seeking to apply the tax cut Over the next year 2018, the housing market is moving in the right direction and the strength of the US economy is the biggest motive behind the recent dollar hikes.

Minchen also noted that he did not believe that Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) Janet Lynn had resolved its decision to continue in office, while expressing the hopes of the US administration to get approval to raise the debt ceiling by next month amid its work to pass the tax reform plan before the end of this year, The US president has recently nominated a member of the Federal Open Market Committee Jerome Powell for the post of Governor of the future Federal Reserve Bank.

  • November 10, 2017
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Gold trading at the Asian meeting on Friday stabilized near the highest level of its record in three weeks during the trading yesterday, this recovery in gold prices comes from a decline in dollar levels as well as high demand for safe havens.

The US dollar slipped against major currencies and scored its lowest level in a week according to the dollar index that scored the lowest level at 94.43.

The decline in dollar levels came after the rise in the number of U.S. unemployment benefit requests with higher expectations over the past week, which was released yesterday and caused a decline in dollar levels.

On the other hand, the US Senate has asked to postpone discussion of the US Tax Cut Act until 2019, which has weakened demand for risk and a return to safe haven.

Gold prices are currently traded at the level of $1286.0 for the ounce, after registering the lowest level at $1285.6 for the ounce. The meeting today opened at the level of $1286.5 per ounce, registering the highest level at $1287.49 per ounce.

  • November 10, 2017
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Gold prices fell slightly in the European market on Friday with a correction and profit after the highest level in three weeks, and prices tend to be the first weekly gain in a month, based on a decline in the US dollar against a basket of global currencies. Gold prices fell by 0.1% up to 09:05 GMT to be traded at the $1283.50 level of the opening level of $1285.12, registering the highest level of $1287.05, and the lowest level of $1282.59. The gold price yesterday added 0.3% in the second daily gain, respectively, and recorded the highest level in three weeks $1288.58 for the ounce , by the retreat of the US dollar, the American equities stopped rising on Wall Street. Over the current week, gold prices have reached a 1.1 percent rise, with the first weekly gain in a month, backed by a US dollar retreat against most major and secondary currencies, and the return of bonds The American class is ten years to the lowest level in two weeks. The dollar index spreads near the lowest level in a week, in a way towards the first loss in four weeks, with the U.S. currency sales accelerating against a basket of global currencies, especially with mounting concerns about possible delays in reform plans U.S. President Donald Trump's tax, which is heavily relied upon by the US administration in expanding the country's economic growth and boosting corporate profits. The Republican Party tabled a new tax reform bill on Thursday in the Senate, different from the bill currently being put forward by the same party Before the House of Representatives, the bill includes the reduction of corporate taxes to 20% from 35%, with the introduction of the new tax code in 2019. Gold holdings in the SPDR Gold Trust, the largest global indicator funds supported by gold, remained yesterday with no significant change in total 843.09 metric tons , the lowest level of holdings since 12 September last September.

Friday, May 6, 2016

  • May 06, 2016
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 Trade gold 

Trading gold for profit - just like when you're trading any financial market - means buying gold low, selling it high, and knowing how to spot the difference.
Countless books, websites, courses and seminars claim they can give you this gold trading edge. But few will remind you that the No.1 rule of making money - whether you're trading gold, coffee, Dow futures or currencies - starts with cutting your trading costs as low as you can.
Because how can you buy low and sell high if you keep paying fat brokerage fees every time you trade?
Whether you want to Trade Gold as a long term investor, or as an active trader, we can show you a solution which makes real, high-integrity gold bullion available to you. What's more it both reduces your costs and increases your safety.

Trade Gold and Earn the Spread

If you want to Trade Gold actively and profitably the bottom line will be cost. You cannot trade gold and make a profit if you are always paying commissions and/or the spread. It's as simple as that.
Unlike any other way to trade gold BullionVault allows you to undertake active gold trading like a market professional, by quoting prices to other people, rather than having to take what's on offer. This allows you to trade gold and earn the spread.
For example, on a price of $1,600 you yourself might bid $1,599 and offer at $1,601. As a liquidity provider you earn the $2 in the spread.
Anyone who wants to trade gold can provide liquidity on BullionVault.
BullionVault's most active traders pay just 0.05% commission (that's 85 cents on a $1700 ounce) when they trade gold. If they're picking up a $2 spread and paying 85 cents each side, then round-tripping an ounce of gold on a stable $1700 price earns them $0.30. Yes - that means that on an unmoving price you can earn money by providing liquidity.
There are very few systems in the world which will let you access the spread. Spread access is what really gives you the ability to trade gold and profit, and that's why most businesses keep it for themselves.
BullionVault is the cheapest, safest, and most accessible worldwide market for gold trading of privately owned bullion. There is no fairer proposition to the gold trader. But please, always be aware that if you trade gold it can be a risky business if markets swing against you.
Ready to start trading gold

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Are you wondering about the secret of the difference between the price of gold on our site and the price of gold in the gold market?
Do you want to get the prices went closer to the world price?
Are you looking for a way to get rid of the greed of the gold market traders?
In this article, submitted by the price of gold today will answer these questions and you will learn three steps to get a lower gold price today of the gold market
Was retained with us ..
First: the kinds of gold in the gold markets
It should before buying a gold report to learn what kind kinds of gold will offer to buy Is it a gift gold or for investment and other uses, because the last thing you wish for to go to the gold market in order to purchase the Astmthar then completed the purchase of gold is only suitable to be Because the cost is too great workmanship of the intensity of works of art by the gift in addition to the high amount of copper by making the value of after-sales service it is useless and vice versa Boukso targeting buy the gift and asceticism out by buying gold is only suitable for investment ..
This article will answer all your questions about the types of gold kinds of gold fact that you can buy them read
Second: Get the latest Gold Price of Gold MarketThe big difference between you and the dealer gold is he knew the price of gold today in the global gold stock exchange and is al-Faisal in the price of gold does not matter if the dealer Gold has won or lost in what he bought this is his problem is and some gold traders may stick to own Bosham that may be more expensive than the market price in spite of Akhand the price of gold in the global gold market, but you can find from the merchants in the gold market bought a short time ago and can offer youAsymptotic to the price of the global gold market price Vthaly patientVisit the site today's gold prices in order to find out the real price of gold in your country in local currency and the runway by the selling price and the purchase price of the merchant.After visiting the site Gold Price Select quantity which market you purchase any advance, for example, 100 grams 50 grams 25 gramsAnd then multiplying the price of gold today, which will get it from the site quantity:A 100 gram x 135 = 1350 Real RealYou are now learning Bhlk approximation of what must you pay to the merchant thorough workmanship and commission profit for the dealer



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