Friday, February 2, 2018

  • February 02, 2018
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نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪Poor gold trading during the Asian session waiting for more events‬‏

Gold and trade prices fluctuated during the Asian meeting on Wednesday after two days of decline, and this comes with stable dollar levels and recovery, as well as waiting for the markets for more important events this week. US President Donald Trump has urged cooperation between the Republican and Democratic parties on reforming US immigration policies and rebuilding infrastructure in his speech to Congress Tuesday night. Republicans and Democrats are deeply divided into the Immigration Act, which was linked to congressional efforts to pass the spending bill. Lawmakers are facing a deadline on Feb. 8 to reach a compromise on the issue and pass a new budget to avoid the second shutdown of the government after a brief closure earlier this month. Gold prices currently traded at the level of $1338.52 for ounce, after registering the lowest level at $1336.46 for ounce, he opened today's meeting at level $1337.89 for ounce, registering the highest level in $1339.45 per ounce. Today, the last meeting of the Federal Reserve Bank, headed by Janet Lane, where the bank's presidency was handed over to the first president of the newly elected Federal bank, puts the markets in a tense position waiting to know its political direction. This is in addition to the recovery of global bond markets with high yields that adversely affect gold performance.

  • February 02, 2018
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Gold prices in the European market rose today to recover from their lowest level in last week's dealings yesterday, rising with the decline U.S. dollar versus a basket of global currencies, this investor awaits later today's Federal Reserve decisions at its first meetings during The period 2018 and the last meeting under the leadership of Janet Lane. Gold prices rose by about 0.4% to 10:55 GMT to trade at the first level of the opening level of the $1337.89, which recorded the highest level of $1344.90, the minimum level of $1336.46 gold yesterday lost the price 0.2%, the second consecutive daily loss, with the lowest level in Week of $1334.43 for ounce, with continuous debugging and profitability of the highest level in the year and half $1366.05 per ounce. During January January, gold prices rose by 3.3 per cent, with the third monthly increase, respectively, and the largest monthly gain since August/last August, with the sharp decline in the US currency, the constant improvement in the demand levels of the dollar index fell by 0.4 percent on Wednesday, and continued its losses for the second consecutive day, reversing the continuing sale of the US currency to the global currency basket, which supports the dollar and low price of gold denominated in the other expensive currencies. The US currency retreat comes amid the investors ' disregard for President Donald Trump's speech to Congress, during which Republicans and Democrats urged a division of hard work and a strong union to find radical solutions to the country's migration. The Federal Reserve's Monetary policy Committee (Fed) is to conclude its first meeting in 2018, with the decision on the interest and policy statement cash by 19:00 GMT, the meeting is the last under the command of Janet Lane before handing over the presidency of the Council to Jerome Paul, the new president. Projections indicate that interest rates remain unchanged at 1.5 per cent and that investors focus on the statement of monetary policy new evidence of the pace of policy tightening and full implementation of the three-fold new interest-rate-raising cycle of this year. Gold holdings of SPDR Gold Trust, the largest global indicator fund supported by gold, dropped yesterday by 1.18 metric tons, the third consecutive decline daily to a total of 845.49 metric tons, which is the lowest level since January 18 January January.

  • February 02, 2018
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Gold prices has seen limited trades during Friday's trades after registering a two-day hike, that's comes with waiting for the markets for the U.S. job report data which may cause further moves for the dollar and the gold after it. The rise in gold pricesover the last two days came due to a fall in dollar levels against a basketball of major currencies after a meeting the Federal Reserve Bank which did not show up on thenew monetary policy continues to gradually raise interest rates. Gold trading is a still heavily influenced by high yields on the "bonds", which reduces the demand for gold as an alternative investment. Gold prices is currently traded at the level of $1348.10 for the ounce, after registering the lowest level at $1346.43 per ounce, and its opened today's meeting at the level of $1349.10 per ounce, registering the highest level at $1350.05 per ounce. Forecasts show that the US economy had provided 181, 000 jobs in January after the previous reading of 148, 000 jobs, while unemployment rates is expected to stabilize at 4.1 percent. Job report would be increase confidence in the movements of the US federal Bank, the recovery of the employment sector and high wage rates to be contribute to the acceleration of the US interest rate, which could affect the movement of the dollar.

  • February 02, 2018
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Long-term gold prices fluctuated in a narrow and upward range during the American cycle amid a reversal of the US dollar index according to their inverse relationship following developments economic and statements followed by the United States of America on Thursday economy, the world's largest economy, and the meeting held by The Federal Open Market Commission 30-31 January January January, which addressed the possibility of high inflation rates and enhanced the chances of tightening monetary policy. At 3:29 pm GMT, future gold price contracts increased delivery on 15 April April, currently 0.14 percent. In $1,345.00 ounces compared with the opening at $1,343.10 ounces, the middle of the US dollar landing 0.20% to 88.96 levels compared to the opening in 89-13. We have followed the American economy. The initial reading of a single cost indicator had worked in the fourth quarter, which showed a 2.0 per cent rise against a 0.2 per cent decrease in the third quarter, with a higher projection of 0.9%, while productivity for sector quarter decreased by 0.1% against the height of 2.7 per cent in the third quarter, other than projections indicating an increase of 0.7 per cent. This comes after hours of reading the index of change in private sector jobs and the pace of job creation without expectations during January January January/January to about 234,000 add and on the threshold of disclosing government jobs report for this month which may reflect the creation of non-agriculture sectors for about 181,000 Employment and stabilization of unemployment rates at its lowest level since March March 2001 by 4.1 per cent. In the same vein, we also followed up on the weekly subsidy requests, which showed a decrease in the 1,000 applications submitted to 230,000, other than the expectation for the 237,000 requests, before we see the disclosure of industrial procurement managers the indicator showing an expansion of 59.1 versus 59.7 in December/ December/BER Cub, superior to the expectations of 58.7, while the same price index widened to 72.7 vs. 69.0, other than the 68.3 predictions. This comes after hours of the first meetings of the Federal Commission in 2018 and its last meeting under the leadership of the Federal Reserve Governor Janet Lane, who passed her the institute with the beginning of this month to be succeeded by a member of the Federal Commission, Jerome Powell, in the leadership of the Federal Reserve Bank, who kept the makers Washington's monetary policy at interest rates ranges from 1.25% to 1.50%, which was expected by market analysts. According to the Commission's statement, the inflation rate is expected to rise in the next 12 months this year and the target will stabilize at 2 percent in the average, as markets looked at the Commission's meeting in 20-21, to be held in March March, and it was expected that the expectations of the committees would be revealed On growth rates, inflation and unemployment, as well as the future of short-term benchmark interest rates for the next three years.

  • February 02, 2018
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Watchful visitor with love and sweet Beauty special Love Special Heart Engineers, Eng, special Mansoura, Turkish, Turkish, al-Mansoura, Mansoura, Mansoura, Mansoura, whose special moments and offers love, bliss, tenderness and pleasure of special pleasure With the night princesses. Love the love of Mr. El Walid al-Mansoba, who will be in the newspaper that was in the newspaper that was in the newspaper. Turkish for sale love and tenderness 09:05 am thanks for $1347.90 for sale (b).....-..... (..) .... (.) Your Medal for Love is $1349.10, and thankfully for the $1350.05, Mr. And the captive of your $1346.43 for others..... The Saudi Arabian visitor is 0.3 per cent, babe, for all the granules, al-Saher, Mansoura, Mansoura, Mansoura, Mansoura Special, Sharjah Mr. Al-Walid al-Ahmad al-Balkal for the moment thanks to my beloved lover, thank me for not feeling that I can now...... The Whispers of love and nice sweet sweet and sweet and love and Heart Heart Heart heart and heart special for the Heart Bird of love with the visiting Saudi prince/special heart, The Immortal, Mansoura, Mansoura, Mansoura Yemeni, the king's Mansoura. Special visitor for the private and immortal Turkish visitor, and Alhamdulillah king King King King, I love you. For special private sale for the Saudi king the tender sweet and nice neighbor the sweet and sweet love and the dear Dear Mr Dear Dear Dear Precious Beloved Dear Dear, dear Saudi Arabian Saudi Arabian Saudi Arabia al-Saher Saudi Saudi Arabian Saudi Arabian lover beloved beloved beloved the newborn and the special longing in the Saudi moon The Eternal Saudi visitor (Mansoura Yemeni.......) ... The Prince/Mansoura, and praise be to all love, bliss, tenderness, Faith, King, King, King, King, King and King, and Captive love and praise 2% of dear Dear beloved Dear, who was a second from now, what would it be?. And all of Your love Valentine's special fun special Valentine's own watchful heart affectionate watchful eyes special Al-Salem Special Special Award for special stories, Saudi jihad, heart of longing, tenderness and tenderness. The beauty of the 2.797%, thanks to me for the 2014 that was in the newspaper that was in total. The Order of love for beauty, beauty and special Heart's own heart's special pleasure........ Al-Ballah newspaper, Al Hamad for Love and Honey, Mansoura, Mansoura, Mansoura, Mansoura, Mansoura, Mansoura, Mansoura. And honey love and pleasure, timeless heart with the love gram gram grams which now, alhamdulloly sweet eyes. My brother and thank you because I am the beautiful sweet sweet sweet nice sweet sweet and sweet. , and thanks for being Mr. King who had him now. And thanks for the love 13:30 and the moment the sweet heart the beautiful sweet sweet sweet beautiful sweet sweet. Special special Radiation Stories 181 special moments for special hearts heart that Nurini/my eyes in the heart of the 148 h the private special and special heart special right of the Prince, and thanks to all special offers 4.1 percentage which I had a sense of pleasure Own (PHP)..... The 2000, the visiting captive Saudi Saudi Saudi Arabia Saudi Saudi Arabia Saudi Prince Al Walid al Walid al-Waleed al-Walid 0.2 per cent of the 0.3 per cent (b) The percentage of Mr. Habib who now has. Golden love for SPDR Trust gold confidence in the sun Mansoura (Mansoura)....... The tender affectionate eyes of the moment for both Arab and Arab Saudi Arabian visitors the architect of the Turkish 841.35 E, the tenderness, and the thanks for me...... Mr. General engineer who will be eighteen years old........

Sunday, January 21, 2018

  • January 21, 2018
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Gold prices rose during Friday's trade with the end of the week's trade after a three-day drop in the precious metal patch after registering the highest level in four months earlier this week. Gold went back to play today's safe haven, following growing market concerns. On the closure of the US government, where the House of Representatives approved interim funding for the government until mid-next month, but expectations indicate that the Senate will not reach a decision easily. Gold prices are currently traded at the level of $1331.36 for the ounce after registering the lowest level at $1326.29. For the ounce. The meeting at the level of $1326.25 was opened today at the highest level at $1331.86 per ounce. The US dollar has fallen to its lowest levels in three years versus a basket of major currencies due to the federal government shutdown worries, in addition to the expectations that double American inflation would affect the future of interest rates. The return on US bonds for 10 years has risen to record the highest level in 10 months, after increasing positive prospects for growth, especially after better growth data than expected from the Chinese economy, to increase Negative pressure on gold levels.

  • January 21, 2018
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Gold prices rose by more than 0.7 percent on the European market on Friday, approaching the highest level in about four months earlier in the week's deal, the hike came amid a US dollar drop against a basket of. Gold prices rose by 0.75% until 09:05 GMT to deliberate on Level $1336.10 for the ounce of the opening level $1326.52 and recorded higher $1338.06 level and lowest level $1326.29. Gold prices ended Thursday's stable dealings with little change, after earlier transactions recorded the lowest level of transactions this week at $1324.24 per ounce. And trying to price gold It is now expanding to touch the $1344.70 level of the highest peak in four months and recorded on Monday, with the sixth weekly gain, respectively, in the longest weekly earnings series since mid-2016. The dollar index fell by more than 0.3 percent, continuing its losses for the second day on respectively, from touching the lowest level in three years, 89.98 points, reversing the continuing activity of the U.S. currency sales versus most of the world's currencies, especially against the low-yielding currencies of the euro and Japanese yen. U.S. currency sales come in spite of higher bond yields In the United States the class is ten years by a base point to 2.637%, the highest level in about three years. US currency sales have accelerated since yesterday amid concerns about the possible closure of the US government if the Senate does not approve an additional funding law until February 16 February , in conjunction with reports that global central banks have expanded their foreign exchange reserves from non-US dollar currencies. Gold holdings of the SPDR Gold Trust, the world's largest gold-backed indicator fund, increased yesterday by 11.8 metric tons with the largest daily increase Since September last September, Total holdings have reached 840.76 metric tons, the highest level since 13 December last December.



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