Thursday, December 10, 2015

Are you wondering about the secret of the difference between the price of gold on our site and the price of gold in the gold market?
Do you want to get the prices went closer to the world price?
Are you looking for a way to get rid of the greed of the gold market traders?
In this article, submitted by the price of gold today will answer these questions and you will learn three steps to get a lower gold price today of the gold market
Was retained with us ..
First: the kinds of gold in the gold markets
It should before buying a gold report to learn what kind kinds of gold will offer to buy Is it a gift gold or for investment and other uses, because the last thing you wish for to go to the gold market in order to purchase the Astmthar then completed the purchase of gold is only suitable to be Because the cost is too great workmanship of the intensity of works of art by the gift in addition to the high amount of copper by making the value of after-sales service it is useless and vice versa Boukso targeting buy the gift and asceticism out by buying gold is only suitable for investment ..
This article will answer all your questions about the types of gold kinds of gold fact that you can buy them read
Second: Get the latest Gold Price of Gold MarketThe big difference between you and the dealer gold is he knew the price of gold today in the global gold stock exchange and is al-Faisal in the price of gold does not matter if the dealer Gold has won or lost in what he bought this is his problem is and some gold traders may stick to own Bosham that may be more expensive than the market price in spite of Akhand the price of gold in the global gold market, but you can find from the merchants in the gold market bought a short time ago and can offer youAsymptotic to the price of the global gold market price Vthaly patientVisit the site today's gold prices in order to find out the real price of gold in your country in local currency and the runway by the selling price and the purchase price of the merchant.After visiting the site Gold Price Select quantity which market you purchase any advance, for example, 100 grams 50 grams 25 gramsAnd then multiplying the price of gold today, which will get it from the site quantity:A 100 gram x 135 = 1350 Real RealYou are now learning Bhlk approximation of what must you pay to the merchant thorough workmanship and commission profit for the dealer

Gold analysis: Gold: Knott in a previous article you dear reader of caution in the continuation of the purchase last week because the market has issued us a warning signal when stopping upside correction in 1190
Technical analysis of gold:
Gold analysis at the technical level refers to the gold correction stopped at the 50% Fibonacci from the previous bearish trend which was regarded as a warning sign to stop the purchase, along with the MACD and Alvleom signals "as previously indicated in a written separation of warning signals" and from there gold returned to the landing and as you might Anfredna so 
last week
TS movements gold:

Prices are still moving large accidental daily and weekly triangle
Trading continued to not let us down in 1190 warned of the excessive purchase
A significant decrease in the size of Alveleom area at $ 1,190 and even this morning
Signal the beginning of the approaching completion of the C wave which we expect to be a goal at $ 1,135, where a rising trend line
In short, there are several factors suggest Sir accidental italics landing as long as prices move down the $ 1,190 per ounce and objectives are still to 1135-1130Where landed trend bullish corrective noted that the 1190 break given impetus to get to the 1205 and 1230 trading _ see the advice below _
And remember this good argument for Warren Bafeyt when the tide goes out you will find yourself naked ..



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